A Letter to My Daughter On Her First Father’s Day

Guest blogger, Brian Richardson, wrote a sweet letter to his daughter as they celebrate their first Father’s Day together. 

To my beautiful, intelligent, and inspiring daughter Alexa Lynn,

There are so many things in this world that I would like to teach you and, at the same time, protect you from.

In a world full of negativity, doubt, and ignorance, keep your head raised high and remember that there are also things in this world that give us hope.

You are my hope.

Your birth gave me hope for a brighter future and better days. Your smile has the power to lift me up even at my lowest, and in that moment, you give me hope that no matter what the situation is, it will get better. I pray that you never lose your joy and remember every day to find a reason to smile and laugh.

If there was one thing that I hope you take from me as you grow and mature into the amazing woman you will become, it is the power of positivity.

There will be a time when your mother and I will not be around to protect you or to support you, and in those moments I hope you remember the way in which we have raised you and prepared you for those moments. There will be people that will tell you what you can’t do because of your race and or gender, but do not allow them to set limitations on you, your dreams, or your life.

The sky is the limit baby girl and know that your parents will be your biggest fans.

Every day I awake I am proud to be your father.

Only the future will tell what you will accomplish in your lifetime, but know that I love you and will be there for you during the good, bad, and ugly. You will makes mistakes and that is okay. No one is perfect, and knowing that you have your mother and I’s blood running through your veins you are bound to mess up at least once.

But there is a lesson in every failure, setback, or shortcoming. The thing to keep in mind is that even if you do experience one of those outcomes, always try to learn from them and not repeat your mistakes. That right there is what we call growth baby girl.

My goal for you is that you grow and develop into the best form of you that you can be, and inspire those around you to be great in their own way. From the first time I saw you I fell in love and I knew you would be destined for greatness.

As I come to a close, I want to leave you with the following message that you will hear from me until I and old and gray: “Be good baby girl, and if you can’t be good be great. Shoot for the moon and if you don’t make it there fall onto the clouds.”

I love you Alexa Lynn and your father is very proud of you.


Published by CCPE

Substance Abuse & HIV Prevention for 13-24 year olds in Monroe County, Ind.

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